What are the benefits of online learning or 1-on-1 language classes through platforms such as Skype or Zoom?
First and foremost is flexibility! Online sessions can be planned whenever it’s convenient for you. Scheduling easily around your work schedule: early in the morning, during your lunchbreak, at the end of the day or in in the evening.
Secondly, you can decide where and how you would like to follow the classes. At home on your couch on your laptop or i-pad, in a café on your smartphone or even outside in your garden. You don’t even have to leave the house, saving on travel time and allowing for a comfortable learning environment.
Thirdly, online classes and courses are often offered at a reduced rate. Finally, during these social distancing Corona days online learning is a chance to make the most of your time in isolation and learn something new!
Are you convinced and ready to give it a go? Then please fill out the contact form and sign up for a first online trial session free of charge. We’ll first get to know each other, establish what your current level of Dutch is, figure out what your goals are and which method best fits you. Whether you want to focus on conversation, writing, listening, or reading; we’ll tackle any area where you may be struggling. During the sessions we’ll use mostly authentic sources from Dutch television, radio, or movies and we’ll speak Dutch from the get go to fully immerse you in a true Dutch experience!